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Monday, June 11, 2007

Rhubarb and Strawberry Love

Rhubarb is a lot like celery.
Rhubarb is stringy, not refined.
The reason raw rhubarb is
Scorned by even the most
Cullinarily confident of cooks
Is readily clear--
Readily crunchy and chewy
And readily, rabbley, raunchily
Not so good-tasting.

Strawberry is a lot like heaven.
Strawberry is luscious and refined.
The reason ruby strawberries are
Used to top wedding cakes for
The most powerful of unions
Is readily clear--
Readily succulent and sweet
And readily, regally, righteously

I am rhubarb.
She is strawberry.

From atop her throne in my world,
She gazes up towards that one greater power.
I acknowledge that One,
But am compelled to ascribe
To my second athrone
Such wonderful love that
Only my one Savior knows.

She should look long down
On this little old rhubarb
And sneer at his feeble attempts
At respect.
The strawberry in the sky
Descends to sit by me,
And stunned yet again,
(As each time I see her),
This rhubarb feels fit, perhaps,
For a pie.

For that is the beauty of 'berries and rhubarb
Combined in a glorious dance of the senses.
The rhubarb is brought to a sky higher platform
The strawberry tempered with less-sweet bouquets.

The oven of love melts
That mismatched raw simple
And mixes the spirits
Of grins, hugs, and dimples.



There is simply something there,
Like a vibrant, buzzing electric current.
I sense that connection
As much as I take in your
Beautiful, innocent green eyes;
The flowing brown hair, which frames
The curve of your cheek--
The face of a highness
Of fantasy novels--
The clouds of your mouth,
Parted so slightly
In a happy exchange;

That current drives me, compels me
To pull you to me,
Hold you tighter than life;

Huck-finning in person,
I know every hill, every valley--
All those hours outside

Of our comfort, pushing
The border of losing ourselves
In the wilderness.

A summer shower
Casts no doubt,
Casting the closet's
Uncertainty through
The window.
This magical rhubarb and strawberry love
Will never be left on the side of the road.

No matter the cook,
A strawberry like you
Will always delight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Rhubarb,
You are not as stringy and unrefined as you seem to think you are. You are a lovely poet. I quite like this one. (It helps that I really like strawberry rhubarb pie too). I like the phrase, "the oven of love" alot! Hooray! I'm very flattered.
